Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Tutorial One: Information Technology and Ethical Issues

Provide a definition of Information Technology/Information Communications Technology (APA reference required)

Information Technology (IT), as defined by the Information Technology Association of America (ITAA), is "the study, design, development, implementation, support or management of computer-based information systems, particularly software applications and computer hardware." IT deals with the use of electronic computers and computer software to convert, store, protect, process, transmit, and securely retrieve information.

Retrieved May 28, 2008, from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Information_technology

Consider the definition of IT you have provided. How is this form of technology prevalent in our society? How common place has it become?

IT is a stable norm of our society as technology is forever increasing and ideas growing. IT has a common place with this as they are the brains behind fixing technological hinders and ensuring the smooth running of systems. Every school, business and institute has at least one person on their books with IT knowledge to install or fix any issues. In terms of software this is always being updated and has a huge market in society, whether it be of relevance for gamers or if its windows being updated and installed in places of learning and business. IT is also a popular subject to study at institutes and offers good career prospects.

What IT devices or system do you feel comfortable and competent using?

I'm comfortable using basic computer systems, eg) windows and Microsoft office. I can usually work my way through these till i get the results i want, but getting a virus on my laptop and trying to remove this has me completely stumped. And again, changes to blackboard and emails requires me to have step by step instructions to figure it out. I'm competent using flash drives and external hard drives after 3 years of study so thats a plus. But overall i feel like i finally get a hang of systems and they go and change again due to living in such a technological word.

Thinking about your own fieldwork experiences consider how IT is being used in Occupational Therapy practice?

On my first placement the use of IT wasn't really apparent apart from the computer being used to write reports and for research, however everything else was basically done by hand. On my fieldwork three placement I was part of a hospital that is slowly updating its systems and building, so when i spent a morning in fast stay i was able to see how IT is used in the writing of notes. All team notes were written straight up onto computers and patient files were also accessed on the hospital intranet system. As well as this any person who was admitted through ED had their presenting condition written up through computer use.

What ethical implications arise from the capturing, sharing and transferring of information via IT devices (e.g. mobile phones) or systems (e.g. internet)

Using these systems to share information is not always secure, as people are able to hack into systems, therefore giving rise to privacy issues. This has ethical issues for hospitals and OT practice as client notes are to be kept confidential. It puts health professionals and individuals in a compromised situation because there is always that risk of someone else reading client notes.

Provide a definition of Computer Ethics (APA reference required)

Computer ethics is a branch of practical philosophy which deals with how computing professionals should make decisions regarding professional and social conduct.

Retrieved May 28, 2008, from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_ethics

Provide a definition of Intellectual Property (APA reference required)

Intellectual property (IP) is a legal field that refers to creations of the mind such as musical, literary, and artistic works; inventions; and symbols, names, images, and designs used in commerce, including copyrights, trademarks, patents, and related rights. Under intellectual property law, the holder of one of these abstract "properties" has certain exclusive rights to the creative work, commercial symbol, or invention by which it is covered.

Retrieved May 28, 2008, from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intellectual_property

Provide a definition of Social Justice (APA reference required)

Social justice refers to the concept of a society in which justice is achieved in every aspect of society, rather than merely the administration of law.

Retrieved May 28, 2008, from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_justice

Provide a definition of Informed Consent (APA reference required)

Informed consent is a legal condition whereby a person can be said to have given consent based upon an appreciation and understanding of the facts and implications of an action. The individual needs to be in possession of relevant facts and also of his or her reasoning faculties, such as not being mentally retarded or mentally ill and without an impairment of judgment at the time of consenting. Such impairments might include illness, intoxication, insufficient sleep, and other health problems.

Retrieved May 28, 2008, from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Informed_consent

In your own words briefly summarise why (or why not) a great understanding of ITC and the ethical issues it encompasses will help us in our practice and daily lives.

Having an understanding of ITC and the ethical issues it encompasses will help us in practice and in our daily lives because we do live in a technological world that is forever changing and updating. Knowing how to use different computer systems will come into the play in practice as slowly settings are being upgraded to writing all clinical notes straight onto computer systems. Knowing about ethical issues around the use of technologies will also be beneficial as we can be aware of this and what can go wrong and just making sure protocols are followed to protect ourselves and clients the best we can.

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